
How to Book

Simply find the class you want to attend below, click and follow the instructions.

If you are new to SHIFT or have run out of credits, click PACKAGES at the top of the page and select the Credit Package to purchase first. Then book your session. 

powered by Glofox
Our most popular class! We guarantee to get the most out of your 45min session. Each session is meticulously planned by your instructor, with the perfect music to match the intensity of the session. For those who like the 'science' it is designed to improve you FTP over 8-10 weeks, for those not bothered about the science, it's just interval training on a bike... and it works!
High energy, great music, and a fantastic workout. The music drives the class, you're in control of the power so you can push as hard as you want to for 45mins!
Baby friendly class, just put your little angel 👶 in their pram/car seat next to the bike. Quieter music and hopefully the disco lights will soothe them to sleep! We recommend checking with your doctor if you’re not sure your body is ready for the class yet. (Dads and babies are welcome too!).
Ministry of SHIFT
Did we mention you get a glass of Prosecco (or nosecco) at the end of this class 🥂🔥! Taking our classes to the NEXT LEVEL. Only the best absolute club bangers to get you pumped and excited for your weekend.

Still not sure

Not sure which class is for you? We recommend trying both classes, as they are only subtly different, some people will prefer the focus on music and some will prefer the targeted training methods. We have numerous classes each week of both options, so give each a go and let us know what you think!

Intelligent Cycling

Don’t forget to download the Intelligent Cycling app from the app store, this will allow you to get a summary of all your sessions and will allow us to show you just how fit you are getting with each and every spin class! The instructor will help you set up the app during your first session.